Zhongshuge, China

Zhongshuge bookstore defies the common perception that brick-and-mortar bookstores are in decline. Zhongshuge decided that visiting the bookstore should be an appealing experience for everyone, including those who aren’t avid book readers. Through the innovative use of mirrors, symmetry, and colors, the retailer has been able to turn the store into an art gallery. This has drawn crowds from all over Asia to visit the store.




  • Country: China
  • Retailer: Zhongshuge
  • Format: Large-scale bookstore



The experience is key.

Zhongshuge gets it that customer experience plays an important role in the sale of books the store carries. Zhongshuge understands that this is a competitive edge, which online retailers of physical books, e-books, or audiobooks are unable to provide. The longer the customer stays at the

location, the higher the probability of finding something which interests him or her, increasing the likelihood of a purchase.


Being both.

Zhongshuge bookstore can be seen as a fusion of a bookstore and a museum.


Ebeltoft Group Expert Comment

The approach has transformed the common belief that bookstores are boring places suitable only for intellectuals to visit. Zhongshuge has branded itself as communal space, where knowledge thrives and where consumers can wander off for a day and enjoy a book.

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